college of engineering and architecture

Building the future’s highly skilled engineers and architects

The College of Engineering and Architecture provides students with the opportunities needed to acquire academic knowledge and professional skills in technology, engineering, and architecture. Our prime motivation is to help cultivate the future builders of our society.
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developing skills while providing A well-Rounded education

expect only the best when you join college of arts and sciences

lead to serve the filipino Nation and global community

in consonance with the vision of SJIT, shall be the prime source of technical professionals who will lead to serve for the Filipino nation and the global community.

development of well-Rounded Individuals

commits to transform students to become technical professionals who are competent, creative, responsible, accountable, socially and environmentally involved individuals who will significantly contribute to the growth and development to the wide community.

produce empowered professionals

  1. Provide relevant and responsive engineering and architecture curricula with a well balanced critical, practical and problem-solving skills needed in the practice of the profession.
  2. Ensure competent and qualified faculty in the field of civil, mechanical, electrical, electronics and architecture.
  3. Provide instruction and learning experiences that develop the ability to apply knowledge and skills to practical solutions
    concerning the design and new technologies in the development and utilization of materials, machines, instruments, structures, processes and a system and a lifetime of continued learning, leadership and quest for a new knowledge.
  4. Provide modern facilities equipment, apparatuses and learning resources materials to enhance knowledge and technical skills.
  5. Inculcate social, professional, ethical and moral responsibility to be able to practice the profession conscientiously and humanely by providing opportunities for community extension service, environmental awareness and linkages.
  6. Ensure effective and efficient college operations through ISO Quality Management System.
  7. Implement measures to strengthen the delivery of programs through effective monitoring and evaluation and accreditation processes.
  8. Increase by 50% the passing percentage for Board Examinations starting CY 2023.

courses/ program offering

have a personalized guidance with our program heads or with the dean
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Bachelor of Science in Architecture

In this program, you can create impact and help build the community while harnessing your creativity and passion as you work.
possible careers : professional design architects | heritage planners/conservators | architectural photographers | renderers | AutoCAD specialists | cartographers | building development scientists | corporate consultants | environmental planners | and real estate project managers

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering

If you’re looking for an engineering degree that involves semiconductors, biomedical and power industries, Electronics Engineering is the best undergraduate program for you.
possible careers : Electronics Engineer | Electronics and Communication Engineer | Electronics Design & Development Engineer | Desktop Support Engineer | System Control | Engineer Network Planning Engineer

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

As technologies strive through electrical engineering concepts and electricity itself, anyone taking up this program will be easily able to pursue careers in both private and public agencies while contributing to technological advancements.
possible careers : Project Engineer | Design Engineer | Systems Engineer | Product Development Electrical Design Engineer | Operations Engineer

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is a program tailor fit for those students who are ready to take on the journey of helping humankind’s needs through creating technologies that make our lives easier and convenient.
possible careers : Automotive engineer | Construction engineer | Manufacturing engineer | Management consultant | Mechanical engineer

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

In the robustly increasing demand for infrastructure, taking up this degree is more beneficial than ever. Through this program, you’ll play an essential role in building and connecting communities.
possible careers : Building control surveyor | CAD technician | Consulting civil engineer | Contracting civil engineer | Design engineer | Estimator | Site engineer

BS in Architecture

SHS Card, Form 137, Good Moral,
NSO Birth Certificate
view course outline

BS in Electronics Engineering

SHS Card, Form 137, Good Moral,
NSO Birth Certificate
view course outline

BS in Electrical Engineering

SHS Card, Form 137, Good Moral,
NSO Birth Certificate
view course outline

BS in Mechanical Engineering

SHS Card, Form 137, Good Moral,
NSO Birth Certificate
view course outline

BS in Civil Engineering

SHS Card, Form 137, Good Moral,
NSO Birth Certificate
view course outline

Engr. Joel C. Lobrino

Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture

college faculty & staff

college of engineering and architecture

quoted testimonial here Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elitLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,

dr. marilou mella
Academician-College Dean/OIC-VPARE

clubs and recognized organizations

department's active and dynamic groups


Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers


Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers


Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers


United Architects of the Philippines


Institute of Electronics and Communications Engineers in the Philippines

Department Partners

department's Oranizational Partners and Linkages


Department of Public Works and Highways


Agusan del Norte Electric Cooperative,Inc.

tmi 2

Therma Marine 2

Engineering office

Butuan City Hall, City Engineering Office


Butuan City Water District

globe & smart

Globe and Smart Telecommunications


SIGA Hydro Electric Power Plant


Philippine Softwood Products Inc


Surigao del Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc


Agusan del Sur Electric Cooperative Inc.


national irrigation Administration
enroll now and be part of the josephian family!
visit the CAS Office and look for The dean
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